Friday, March 25, 2011

The Saddest Night in Mackey Arena and the One Missing Out


The final night in Mackey Arena for the 2010-2011 season was one full of emotions.  For everyone involved.  It was the last time we were going to see E’Twaun and JJ play in Mackey.  This was the last game of the season.  This was a season we would never forget.  With a win, we would go undefeated at home for the first time since 1969.  But most of all, it was sad.  Because 1/3 of the brotherhood wasn’t going to walk out on Mackey Arena one last time with his brothers; he wasn’t going to get the feeling of going out there with the group of guys he came in and played one more time.  For Robbie, this was going to be a tough night.  I know exactly how he felt too.  Knowing that you couldn’t go out there and play your last night.  That is the worst feeling in the world.  While the rest of your class is enjoying playing on the court for the last time, you are standing off to the side.  Trying not to be emotional, because it is so exciting for them that you don’t want to take the importance off of them, but you can’t help the feelings you get inside of you. 
Before the game even started, I was tearing up.  Just knowing that I was walking into Mackey for the last time with E’Twaun and JJ out on that court, I didn’t know how to deal with it.  But, I knew also that it had to be tough on all of the senior members of the Paint Crew.  They have invested 4 or 5 years of their lives in this team.  They have been through the highest of highs and lowest of lows with this team.  They never walked away.  No matter what.  Reading the scouting report, it brought tears to my eyes.  Mike wrote it.  This was his last one- he made it good. 
It was game time.  There were so many emotions throughout the whole stadium.  People got there early.  People were on their feel when they came out one last time.  You could just see the looks in E’Twaun and JJ’s eyes.  They were ready for this night.  They were going to make it the best they could.  They were ready to shine one last time.  They had accomplished so much in their careers at Mackey.  So many records had been broken, Sweet 16’s had been accomplished, Big 10 Tourney Championships had been won, Big 10 regular season championships had been won.  Now, there was only one thing left. - Getting an undefeated season at home.  It wasn’t going to be an easy task.  Illinois was a team on a mission.  But, I knew that no matter how much they wanted to beat us, the guys wouldn’t go out with a loss.  But, for the first half of the first half, we were playing with so much emotion.  Too much emotion.  Illinois was all over us.  They couldn’t miss and we couldn’t hit.  I was a little nervous.  But I knew with JJ and E’Twaun as the head, anything was possible.  Boy, was I right.  JJ took over, and then E’Twaun in the second half.  He was on fire.  We started to pull away; and with 2.1 seconds left in the game, the guys got what they deserved.  They got a standing ovation from the crowd.  I got a little teary eyed.  I knew this was the last time I was going to get to see them play in Mackey.  I couldn’t help but look over at Robbie during all of this, and he had a smile on his face, but I could just tell he was wishing that it was him.  He wanted to be getting that standing ovation.  He wanted to have that moment with those guys. 
But, he didn’t.  So he was as okay with it as he could be.  But I knew that after the game was going to be even harder.
We got the win, making this the first undefeated season at home since 1969.  Just another thing to put in the memory book for E’Twaun and JJ.  The game was over, now for the hard part.  Coach Painter called out all of the cheerleaders, managers, and finally E’Twaun and JJ.  But, there was someone missing.  Standing in the line with the rest of the players, there was Robbie.  I knew how bad he wanted to be out there with those guys, he had spent 4 years of his life with these guys, they were brothers.  He was having a tough time keeping it all in.  You could just tell.  Robbie went over to T’Twaun and JJ’s parents during the ceremony, and you could see their mom’s telling him that he should be out there with them.  I’m sure that didn’t make it any easier on Rob.  But, he kept it together.  After the ceremony was over, the 3 guys came over in front of the Paint Crew and took pictures.  I snuck down there so I could get one of them, and as they were walking away, I turned my poster around.  It said “Final Four for #4”.  I yelled at Robbie so he could see it.  He had a look on his face of sheer appreciation.  He looked like he was getting ready to cry.  He said thanks, I love it; and walked away.  E’Twaun stayed around and was signing anything he could get his hands on.  That was awesome.  He took my poster right out of my hand and read it.  Told me that it was awesome how I didn’t check off the Final Four spot yet and signed it and then gave it back.  That was pretty awesome.

JJ waiting for his moment   

Just another night full of great memories in the books while I am transitioning from Brave to Boilermaker.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Birthdays, signs, and ESPN

Thanks to a tweet from the Paint Crew, the IU game became a game I will NEVER EVER EVER forget!
It all started out when I was trying to come up with a creative sign for the IU game.  And I couldn’t because there is NOTHING creative to say about iu.  So I googled Purdue shirts making fun of iu and one that said “You can’t cheer for a rock unless you are as dumb as a rock” came up and I sent that to Brian.  That turned into Our Rock (The moon—Neil Armstrong… NBD) is bigger than your rock.  Yes, I know the rock is from football.  But that didn’t matter because the real sign came on the other side… on Tuesday… at about 3; and I had to be at Mackey at 3:30.  Let’s just say that was interesting.  The tweet came through about 10:30 on Tuesday.  It was JJ’s birthday.  I knew I had to make a sign since I was the 5th group.  I knew I was going to have awesome seats. 
Before the game, I am in Mackey putting out scouting reports on seats, and just taking in the images of Mackey.  Empty.  That is something that I will never forget.  The first time I went into Mackey and NO ONE was on the court.  The lights were down.  Wow.  It was quite an experience.  But, as I am putting out the sheets, Tom comes in and says you need to get out here, your group is getting ready to come in.  I asked him if I could just stay in there, he said no.  But that was okay.  I knew where I wanted to sit, and I thought I could get there with the number we were.  I was correct.  I may have jumped down the last three steps, but I wanted that seat.  I was right on the edge of the cut out.  Right next to Tom.  Perfect.
As the rest of the Paint Crew is coming in and we are sitting there before the game, Brian gives me an awesome idea.  Go get a sharpie.  This is the one chance I am going to have to have JJ sign a sign that I made.  “He might do it, it’s worth a try.”  So I went into Heather’s office, and I got a sharpie.  Ran back in because we were singing to JJ.  I held up my sign, he made eye contact.  I knew he saw it.  That was a good thing. 
Someone is walking over to me; I don’t know what they want.  But I could tell they were from some TV crew.  But, I didn’t know which one.  She asked me how I would feel about having my sign on the 6 o’clock news for Channel 18 news.  I was game.  So, not only was I on TV because of the sign, but some of the people around me were too! 
The game starts.  We come out and beat iu.  Big surprise right?  IF we didn’t beat iu on JJ’s birthday, I was going to cry.  As per usual, the team comes over to the Paint Crew after the game, and gives us all fives.  This was my chance.  As JJ comes up, I have the sharpie out and he said “I’ll come back and do it in a sec.” I was cool with that.  But, instead of him coming back, BabyLew (LewJack, whatever you want to call him) came back over and took my sign.  I was kind of shocked.  I was like what are you doing?  But, I was like sure here. Take it.  JJ came and got it and SLAM my sign.  ALL over ESPN.  There were pictures on the ESPN website right after the game. 
It was on the highlights from the game.  It was awesome.  Then, he came over and signed it.  There were pictures of that in the Exponent.  I was a super star!  It was definitely the coolest experience I have had as a Boilermaker so far. 
Even on the bus the next day, Terone Johnson came up to me and said HEY!  Sign girl!  I was in shock that they realized who I was.  That was a pretty cool thing. 

This is just another one of the memories I will have from my first year going From Brave to Boilermaker.
As always,
Boiler Up!