Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Small Step....

            Walking into Owen Hall on August 14th, I was wondering what had I gotten myself into.  I hear all around me “Hottie Hottie, Hottie, Oye, Oye, Oye” from these crazy people dancing around in bright colored shirts.  After 5 hours of putting stuff together and take beds apart, we finally were done, and it started to feel like “home”.  Bre and I went our separate ways for dinner with our families.  Then when we finally came back, and it had cooled off a little, we just hung out trying to prepare ourselves for the week to come.
            BGR started Sunday afternoon, but we went to church and decided we would just meet up with our teams.  Bre found hers right away, but I had to search for a little while.  When I finally found my group, we were getting ready to go over our first role call.  Then I began to realize why everyone was yelling hottie.  Our group was made up of Hilltop Apartments, Owen Hall, and Tarkington Hall (HOT).   We all walked into Elliot Hall and we are in the nosebleed section, 2nd balcony!  But man, I still had the sensory overload.  There were people everywhere, yelling cheers and running up and down the asile… being in the 2nd balcony on the first night was something to experience.  You see every other freshman that decided to participate in BGR.  All 6,000+ of us. 
            BGR was so fun! Our team leaders kept us on our toes and told us awesome random things about Purdue.  We figured out campus and then we all went our separate ways to begin our journeys.  Mine… From Brave to Boilermaker.

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