Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Should We Pick You Over Your Brother?

For many people this week involved the Industrial Round table interviews, but for me, I had an interview this week that was the most important one of all.  The Paint Crew Advisory Board interview.  If you don't know what the Paint Crew is, never talk to me again.  Just kidding see this.  As a "lil freshy" getting my foot in the door was hard enough, but thanks to the best big brother in the world, Brian, he got me into the Paint Crew last year, meaning I get all the e-mails that are sent out to all of the Paint Crew, including the Advisory Board application.  When I got this e-mail, I immediately decided I was filling it out.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be apart of the advisory board, especially this season!  So I fill it out, and wait.  I get an email back from Tom, the president telling me I have an interview at 6 on Wednesday.  I was so ready! Especially since Brian had his before me, so he could help me out a little bit so I could be as prepared as possible.

The day is here....
I'm excited all day for this interview, I can't really concentrate because I just want to get my classes over with so that I can start this interview.  I get done with my English conference early, so I go on over to Rec 116 where my meeting will be.  I get myself ready, go over my card of stuff that I had written down; and wait, and wait, and wait.  I was there 45 minutes early, because my conference didn't take as long as I thought.  So I think I was making myself more nervous sitting there, but I had nothing else to do.  Finally, it is my turn.  I was so excited.  As soon as I walk in, I just felt like I belonged.  They were really cool about everything.  We did our introductions, and I immediately played the name dropping card, and as soon as I told them that, they were even more cool with me.  Mike Klein was the first person to say something, and if you know anything about Mike Klein, you would understand.  He was the first person to get kicked out of line, because no one from his group was there, and now he is the Vice President of the Paint Crew.  As soon as I said my name and the Brian was my brother, he said, I can tell... but you are pretty much the polar opposite of your brother, and I like it.  I knew this interview was going to go great after that.  Tom, the president, was next with asking the questions, first it was tell us something interesting about yourself, and I pulled out the ACL card, of coarse taking it back to the basketball team! I said how I was a lot like Robbie, Mike gave me the weirdest look I had ever gotten.  I told then at the end of my Junior year, I too tore my ACL.  But also, I told them that I hate IU more than I love Purdue.  They really liked that one.  :)
The first real question I was asked was why I wanted to be apart of the Paint Crew Advisory board.  I said this is going to be a special season. Sorta like Brian did in his blog, Final Four or DIE!  I said that I wanted to be part of the advisory board the year we won the National Championship.  Tom really like that answer.  I said some other things too, but I can't remember what they were.
Then, I get the question why should we pick you over the other people that applied?  I told them because not only do I love Purdue and have a huge passion for the Paint Crew, but that I have a much smaller learning curve thanks to Brian.  But since I put on my application that I was president of the booster club for school, they asked me about that and what ideas I had about making the PC better, I told them some ideas that I had... they seemed to like those as well.
The last question of the day was by far the best though.  Mike Klein looked at me and said "Melissa, look at me... I have a question for you." I though "Oh, great, what is he going to ask me?" He begins to smile, and says "If there are two people fighting for the 9th and final spot on the PC Advisory Board, why do you deserve it more than your brother?" I was shocked for a second, I didn't know what to say.  Tom looked at Mike, looked at me, and said, you don't have to answer that.  Mike said, "Oh yeah you do."  So I thought about it for a second, and decided that I was going to give them a pretty awesome answer.  I told them something to the effect that I am so much more outgoing than Brian, I would be willing to do anything for the PC to make it better, whether that be dressing up like an idiot, jumping up and down, standing on things, yelling til I lost my voice, anything to help make the PC the best student section in the nation.  They all started laughing, and Mike said... Far enough. Thanks for answering that.  It wont' leave the room. :) Then the interview was over.   I feel like I accomplished what I wanted with the interview, making myself sound like the type of person that is willing to do anything to make the PC succeed.  They seemed to really enjoy talking to me and I felt like I fit in with them so well. 
Hopefully, I will be letting you all know soon about the joys of being part of the Paint Crew Advisory Board this season!

For now,
Boiler Up!

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