Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Power of Just an Hour.

Yeah, I know… it’s been a while.  I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.  I survived my first semester at Purdue!  I got through the joys of dead week… that just makes your dead, and through the wonderful things called finals.  I am just so glad to have my first semester of college under my belt.   Now I feel like I know what to expect.  I got through my first semester of juggling everything.  I know how I need to manage my time now.  I know the ins and outs better.  I don’t feel so overwhelmed all of the time.  It’s so nice! :)
Now we are getting back into the grove after being off for 3 weeks, which was much needed, I was ready to get back to it.  Ready to get back to West Lala to see everyone and get Block 1 under way.  Even though I am taking 18 hours this semester, I think it’s going to be great!  I am really excited about my classes.  I think they are all going to be really good and HELPFUL for my major, which is always nice.  I am starting into my Education classes, which make me very excited! :)  Another great thing is, I am done by 1:30 at the LATEST!  This is so much nicer than being done at 5:30 everyday.  That was awful!  Since I am getting done so early, I can get my homework done in the afternoons which gives me more free time at night, meaning we can do fun stuff. 
Which bring me to this past weekend.  It had to be one of the best/most uplifting/fun weekends I’ve had in a while.  We had our first Friday Night Bible Study of the semester.  Justin did an awesome job and there were so many people there; it’s so great to see so many people wanting to learn about God! It’s such an encouragement!  After the study, Katherine Long, Michael Eldridge, Bryan Dallas, and I came back to my dorm and watched Marley and Me.  Such a great, but sad movie! 
Then on Saturday we got up early to head over to Avery’s house before going to the Connor’s to help them move.  Avery decided to have everyone come over before for pancakes; so Avery and I started cooking… let’s just say that was interesting.  Quite fun actually.  We were cooking for 5 hungry boys, and like 6 girls… so we made a lot!  The sad thing was, we didn’t have a griddle.  So, we used 4 little pans. That was funny! Avery was the mixer and the poorer; I was the flipper.  Let’s just say flipping was harder than it looked.  Bit the pancakes were yummy and everyone got there fill, so we went over to the Conner’s to help them move.  That was fun! And we even had a snowball fight after! :)
Then Saturday night, we decided to have people come over to watch in Bre’s words the BEST MOVIE EVER! Cool Runnings, but before we could do that, we were brainstorming.  The Michigan State game is next Saturday.  Gameday is going to be there, so we were trying to think of a creative sign to have.  ESPN was going to be there so we were trying to come up with something to go with that, but we couldn’t think of anything that was creative, made since, or the Gameday crew would let us have… so we trashed that idea.  But somehow, I said Paint Crew and Izzone (The students sections for us and MSU respectively) and that turned into this...  The Paint Crew burns a hole in the Izzone” Thanks to Kyle Newton for that! :D
Now, for the best part of the weekend… Monday. Now I know Monday is normally never a good day because the weekend is over, but this week… Monday was MLK day, so we didn’t have school.  So instead of sleeping all day or doing nothing, we as the college students decided to go to visit some of the elderly people in our congregation.  Let’s just say this was one of the best ideas we have ever had.  I don’t know who got more out of it.  Us or them.  I know they were super excited to see us, but I know I learned so much from them today.  Some of these people have been widows for YEARS and they still come to church, they still have so much left in them, if we will just go talk to them.  The work ethics that these people have still… WOW.  Just spending less than an hour with these people I learned so many things that I will keep with me forever… one lady told us “If you have a temper, get over it.  Because no one will want to deal with you if you have a temper.”  Just simple things like that that they have learned over the years; they want us to have it better than they did.  The want to tell us their story; they want to help us if we will let them.  I mean I haven’t been able to stop smiling thinking about what we got to do today.  Not because we went out and did something to be noticed… because that isn’t what it was about.  Today was about getting to visit people and be servants to them.  I know they taught me so many lessons today, whether they know it or not, whether they remember us being there or what are names are; I will always remember this day as such a great opportunity that I had to help brighten someone else  day.  And they did the same for me in return.  

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