Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Funniest 25 Minutes So Far

Well, today I got a taste of OLS 284. Should be a pretty easy class.  I walk in the door and I see this giant sitting in the front of the class, immediately, I realize it's one of the Freshmen on the basketball team, AJ Hammons.  The more I start walking to where I planned on sitting, I realize that the seat I am going to be taking is next to the one and only Ronnie Johnson.  Terone's little brother.  These boys are seriously hilarious.

The Professor was going through all the first day stuff and Ronnie just kept whispering to me or to himself and AJ turns around and is like BRO shut up before I give you something to shut up about. Let's just say I lost it. So funny.

Then, we were finding out who our TA's were going to be for the class and the Prof sais whoevers last names begin A-L you are with this person (Who happens to be an Asian... SHOCKER) M-Z you are with this person (The American). The funny thing about this is, Ronnie looked over at me and was like but all those Asian's last names are crazy and they get the American.  I've got a normal last name and I gotta talk to someone whose language I don't speak? Whateve. Seriously. SO FUNNY.

I hope the rest of the week goes as smoothly as the first 2 days go.  :) Now, back to watching The Hunger Games with one of my roommates.

Until later, I will continue on my journey from Brave to Boilermaker


Back to School, Back to School....

So you know how during the first week of college, it's supposed to be nice and calm and just getting you introduced to everything?

Well... someone forgot to tell my Professors that. Today in every class I have some sort of assignment. It's not that the assignments are hard, or really even long, it was just a surprise that I came into a new semester with a load of homework already.

I think my classes this semester will be great. I can already tell that my favorite class is going to be my EDCI 311 class. This is an education class that I am taking this semester called Media for Children.  As a future educator, you can't get much better.  At the beginning of each class, we will be reading different picture books (yes, those do have words ;P) and really learning how we can incorporate literature and other forms of media into our classrooms. It's going to be great! :)

I'm actually going to try and keep up with the blog this semester. It really shouldn't be that bad. So, my goal is to update it every week, at least once. We will see how long this goes on though :)

Everyone have a great night and be looking for another, more indepth blog soon :)

As I continue my journey

From Brave to Boilermaker
