Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sometimes I Wonder....

Do I hate iu more than I love Purdue?

The answer this week.... ABSOLUTELY!

Boiler Up

Beat The Hoosiers

iu Sucks.

Some fun clips:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksxbwIh11Io Chad Austin Game Winner

 Ohhh Kelsey Barlow. 

And best of all.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeTLb6ebYvA IU SUCKS!

Boiler Up!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well, it's gotten to that point in the semester when the exams have started. I have 2 this week (One Monday and one Friday) and had one last week.  I also had an OLS class.  Everything seems to be going well so far.  I've made some great friends in all of my classes which is huge for the study parties that I am sure will continue throughout the semester.

Speaking of OLS, I now have a new task. Ronnie has asked me to email him daily before class and remind him of what's going on. What's due and etc. It's funny... and it helps me stay on top of what I need to be doing too!

Hope you all have a great week! As I continue on my journey...

From Brave to Boilermaker


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Funniest 25 Minutes So Far

Well, today I got a taste of OLS 284. Should be a pretty easy class.  I walk in the door and I see this giant sitting in the front of the class, immediately, I realize it's one of the Freshmen on the basketball team, AJ Hammons.  The more I start walking to where I planned on sitting, I realize that the seat I am going to be taking is next to the one and only Ronnie Johnson.  Terone's little brother.  These boys are seriously hilarious.

The Professor was going through all the first day stuff and Ronnie just kept whispering to me or to himself and AJ turns around and is like BRO shut up before I give you something to shut up about. Let's just say I lost it. So funny.

Then, we were finding out who our TA's were going to be for the class and the Prof sais whoevers last names begin A-L you are with this person (Who happens to be an Asian... SHOCKER) M-Z you are with this person (The American). The funny thing about this is, Ronnie looked over at me and was like but all those Asian's last names are crazy and they get the American.  I've got a normal last name and I gotta talk to someone whose language I don't speak? Whateve. Seriously. SO FUNNY.

I hope the rest of the week goes as smoothly as the first 2 days go.  :) Now, back to watching The Hunger Games with one of my roommates.

Until later, I will continue on my journey from Brave to Boilermaker


Back to School, Back to School....

So you know how during the first week of college, it's supposed to be nice and calm and just getting you introduced to everything?

Well... someone forgot to tell my Professors that. Today in every class I have some sort of assignment. It's not that the assignments are hard, or really even long, it was just a surprise that I came into a new semester with a load of homework already.

I think my classes this semester will be great. I can already tell that my favorite class is going to be my EDCI 311 class. This is an education class that I am taking this semester called Media for Children.  As a future educator, you can't get much better.  At the beginning of each class, we will be reading different picture books (yes, those do have words ;P) and really learning how we can incorporate literature and other forms of media into our classrooms. It's going to be great! :)

I'm actually going to try and keep up with the blog this semester. It really shouldn't be that bad. So, my goal is to update it every week, at least once. We will see how long this goes on though :)

Everyone have a great night and be looking for another, more indepth blog soon :)

As I continue my journey

From Brave to Boilermaker


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hummel's Last Stand

I've been trying to decide how to write this since right after the game.  I had so many emotions after that game, I didn't think it would be in my best interests to write it then.  Now that I am somewhat removed from the situation, here it goes... the final goodbye.

Throughout the whole game we were right there. All but 39 seconds, and those were the most important 39 seconds of the game.  Last Sunday our last Baby Boiler took the court in what most people were preparing to be a blowout.  It was anything but that. Robbie Hummel came out on a role that I have never seen as a student.  Sure, he had the night against The Villain and the rest of the scarlet and grey in 2008, but ever since then, he has either been hurt or just had a typical Robbie game.  Quite 15 points and 10 rebounds.  Tonight, you could tell there was something special.  Rob came out with passion in his eyes and you could tell he was going to do everything in his power to keep his team in this game against Kansas.  He ended up with 26 points.  22 of those coming in the first half.  The most he scored all season.

We had an amazing half.  This seemed too good to be true.  Was Robbie and Co. finally going to get over the edge this year and beat a GREAT team? Was Kansas going to continue to shoot this awful? Can we keep this momentum? Are we really beating Kansas? These were all questions going through my head at halftime when we had a 6 point lead, it felt like 20.  We were playing so well, I didn't think there was anyway that we could lose this game and I had already thought about the chance of getting to go to St. Louis to watch the Boilers in the Sweet 16.

Then it happened.  What Boiler fans everywhere were hoping wouldn't happen... the collapse.  The Boilers this season had unfortunately been prone to a scoring drought and during that time, the lead was sometimes lost.  Tonight was one of those.  With about 4 minutes to go, I really began to feel the momentum shift.  We couldn't hit a shot anymore and finally, Kansas' shots were going in.  Their defense stepped up and with that it gave them the confidence to continue to shoot.  At this point, I begin to pace... straw in hand... just hoping and praying that this isn't going to be another heartache for the Boilers, especially Robbie who has already had so many heartaches.  I remember the last minute vividly, but I am not going to talk about that here.  Rob had a great shot, it just wouldn't go down.  Then the desperation shot at the end of the game by Ryne that would have sent it into overtime reminded me a little too much of this desperation shot by Gordon.

It was over. The team was devastated. I remember Ryne doubling over the scorers table, DJ just stopping and dropping to his knees, and Robbie... oh Robbie trying to be strong grabbing his jersey, hands on his head, chewing on his shirt trying not to cry.  You could see the tears in his eyes, and with that, I fell to my knees and cried right along with them.  Then, I decided to listen to the post game interview.  Coach Painter's opening statement might have been the best statement out of this whole thing.  "It stinks.  Losing stinks." I couldn't agree more, Coach.  Robbie and LewJack came in for what would be their last press conferences as Boilermakers.  You could hear the emotion in their voices, the red eyes, the having to pause before answering any questions.  I could tell they were both on the verge of breaking down--  at any moment.  Hearing Robbie say it hadn't hit him yet and then begin to cry, I again cried.  I think every Boilermaker felt the emotion on their faces.

Sure, last year we lost JJ and E'Twaun, but I don't remember this being as hard for me or the rest of Boiler Nation.  The last of the Baby Boilers was gone.  The one who has done so much for Purdue, been a GREAT influence for so many kids, the one who fought through injury after injury and never gave up.  Robbie Hummel was done.  I don't think I really realized how much I was going to miss Robbie until this last game.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  I can't imagine Purdue basketball without Robbie Hummel.  But, I guess I'm going to have too.

The ReBirth is coming, they are ready.  So are we.  We will never forget everything that Robbie taught us about how to work through everything, and do what we need to do for the betterment of our team. Thank you Robbie for teaching us all of this.  Also, thanks to LewJack and Ryne for all the great memories.  It was a great honor to watch you all over the past  4 years.

Whose ready for next year?! ME!

Until later,

Ever Grateful, Ever True


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Grandpa Was A Hero

There are so many things about my grandpa that made him a hero in my eyes.  We buried a great man yesterday.  There was an absolutely beautiful graveside service with a 21 gun salute, taps, the presenting of flags to my brother, two cousins, and myself.  But the thing that makes him a hero the most in my eyes, more even than him being a veteran, was that he was a Christian.  I am so thankful for that.  
Here is the things that I wrote for his funeral service.

There is just something about those people who pick on you for 20 years that helps you become the person that you are today.  Well, grandpa was one of those people.  If he wasn’t picking on me or telling me that he was “bigger than me” and going to be able to beat me up, he was blaming me for eating all the Oreos or ice cream.  Not only would he not fess up to it, but also while Grandma Mid was getting on me, he would stand behind her and laugh.  Even when his memory wasn’t as sharp as it used to be, when I would go and visit him, he would still torment me about school.  If you knew my grandpa Al at all though, you would expect nothing less from him. 
There were things he taught me that he probably doesn’t even realize that he did though, from teaching me how to drive the tractor to teaching me how to pick green beans and corn.  I never thought they were important back then; I just wanted to get to where we were going on the tractor so I could get off of it because it was slow and I looked forward to having corn on the cob and Grandma’s famous greens for supper later.  But those moments when I was on the tractor or in the garden with him were moments I will never forget. 
Another great memory I have of him is being with grandma during the days while he was at work.  He worked with Dad until just a few years ago.  He worked hard at home too keeping up with mowing his big yard, tending to his garden or doing Honey-Do jobs for Grandma.  I never hear him complain about having too much to do.  It just showed the work ethic that was instilled in him that I hope that has rubbed off on me some. 
Christmases were always fun with my grandparents too.  I think one of the best memories was one Christmas when Trigger was being Trigger (Running around and barking all the time) And I was like “Grandpa, there is something wrong with him, maybe he needs to go to the bathroom.”  So he says,”all right, I guess it’s time to take the dawwwwwwwwwwg out!” To this day, anytime I am having a bad day or need a laugh, I think of that moment. 
I also think about the fact that my grandpa was a solider. He fought for the freedom of not only the people back then, but for me, and you and everyone to come.  I am forever grateful for that.
One of my all time favorite things about having grandparents so close was whenever I wanted; I could just run down to their house and hang out with them.  Talk to then about the old days when they were growing up and how much harder they had it than we can even imagine.  Also, when I would be at the house and they would need to go somewhere as soon as I got my permit, I was driving them everywhere.  Taking them around and helping them do things taught me so many things.  Not only how to be a good grandchild, but also how to be a good spouse.  There was so much love shown between my grandma and grandpa.  Although I don’ completely understand the ins and outs of Heaven, in my mind, I think they are together again. 
Not only was my grandpa a great person to be around all the time, but also he was one of the best Christian men I have ever met in my life.  I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to learn from him and follow the example that he set for me and the rest of the people he was in contact with.   Most of all, I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to spent time with him and learn about working hard, how to be a great Christian, how to treat my spouse one day, and most of all how much love grandparents can have for their grandchildren.

My grandpa was a hero.  To some people, he might not have been because he didn't do anything spectacular.  He was just a normal man working hard and providing for his family.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday... almost as good as Friday

When you read this title... you're probably thinking, what in the world is wrong with this girl... Nothing is wrong with me. This semester I got the joy of becoming a Big Buddy.  What does that mean you ask... well... a big buddy is a mentor, for an underprivileged child in grades 1-5.  You get to spend 2.5 hours with them, one day a week and encourage them to work hard in school, to become a better citizen, or pretty much just be there for them.  This organization is  College Mentors for Kids aka CMFK.  I never thought that this program could have such a huge impact on my life... but it has.

The first week, we went to the school to meet the kids on their own turf and meet their parents too so they knew the person that was going to be with the child for 2.5 hours a week.  My little buddies name is Angela.  She is a hoot.  She reminds me a lot of me when I was younger.  She's helped me learn how to be even more patient than I ever thought I could be!

Another great thing about CMFK is the fact that you get to meet people from Purdue from all different majors and backgrounds and you get to become pretty good friends with them.  For example, my little buddy and two guys little buddies are pretty much best friends and they won't be apart.  So, we have gotten to know each other pretty well which is cool because I probably never would have met them if I didn't do this.  Especially since they are management and engineering majors.

So, each week we go on a "field trip" with them. The first week on campus, it was my turn.  Let's just say I was excited.  Terone Johnson is my best friend. He got me in contact with the head of basketball operations for the men's team and we set up a tour of Mackey, the guys were going to read the book of the week to them and talk to them about working hard in school. Let's just say that was adorable.  From dance offs with Robbie Hummel (he can't dance btw) to hearing DJ read and getting stuck on a word, to seeing one of our little buddies stand next to Sandi for a picture. SO CUTE! Let's just say I think I had more fun than the kids did.  At the end of the day, we made thank you cards for each of the players.  All the little girls wanted to make Ryne and DJ's... let's just say they all had little crushes on then.  It was adorable.

Those were just some of the cool things we did while we were in Mackey.  Here is my little buddy :) Isn't she a cutie. :)

Well, I'm sure I will have more to tell you about CMFK at a later date.

For now, as always...
Boiler Up!